Friday, January 17, 2020

ONLY for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs (client attraction secret)

Sdfsdf, how to best connect with ideal prospects as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur (HSE) really depends on which HSE Coping Mechanism you tend to gravitate toward...


If you're a Pusher than it's important for you to remember you're not meant to make your HSE Financial Success happen on your own. You want to invoke Divine Order (or whatever language works best for you) every day by saying, "The perfect prospects are already selected. Each one is arriving in the exact right way at the exact right time. Thank you and thank you!"


If you're a Hider it's important for you to remember that the Universe is expecting you to do your part each and every day by taking physical action. So, you want to invoke Divine Order by saying, "The perfect prospects are already selected and on their way to me. Give me the thoughts to think, the words to speak and the actions to take in order to do my part to connect with each and everyone of them. Thank you and thank you!"


And if you're a Combo-Platter? Then you say both each and every day. :)


It's not just about what you do or don't do, but the energy you bring to it.


Happy Prospect Connecting!


XO. Heather


P.S. Don't know how to have a successful selling conversation as an HSE even when a prospect does show up? Come talk to us and we will teach you how with a proven process I designed specifically for HSEs. Click here and we will connect you with a Business Miracles Enrollment Coach to get you started :)











EnergyRICH(R) Coaching, Inc
954 Lexington Avenue, #248
New York, New York 10021
United States
(888) 417-0283

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