Friday, February 14, 2020

the call of the heart

Sdfsdf, When I was a little girl I never played "wedding" and I would also drag my baby dolls around by their feet (so the story goes) but what I DID do was turn every space I could into a classroom: my bedroom, my grandmother's living room, pine needled spaces in the woods. Stuffed animals, couch cushions and tree stumps became my students. So no surprise I grew up to be a teacher! 

First, in a traditional classroom and now in an environment by my own design as the Founder and Leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur (HSE) movement since 2010. 
The funny thing is that I resisted studying education as an undergrad because outer influences told me not to; yet, still, the path unfolded guiding me to consistently lead from the front of a room. 
And I see this with a lot of HSEs, too: the heart says one thing, but outer influences convince the head it's meant to be something else
By the time the HSE gets to me the heart has been squashed, silenced, stomped on, burned, hurt and hushed more times than can be counted. So the guard is up and the protection layers are deep, which is why the "real work" I do requires a commitment to "de-layering" and deep listening in order to reconnect to that calling each HSE's Essential Self, and a bolstering of re-trust that the call of the heart is indeed true. 
Then, as each HSE steps into doing the work to answer the call the reward is one of not only genuine peace and delight, but increased prosperity, too. 
I, personally, can think of nothing more rewarding.
XO. Heather











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