Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Sdfsdf, Surprise!


To celebrate that I'm proudly turning 49 next month I'm inviting you to enroll in the Business Miracles HSE Training Program with $1,049 tuition savings! Yiiippppeeeee :)


We're only opening 9 SPOTS at this awesome tuition savings - all because I'm turning 49!


This is only available until lucky Friday, 3/13/20 – 11:59 PM, EASTERN.


You can enroll and see all of the program details by clicking here (including the program successes of so many HSEs, just like you).


Happy Surprise to you! Happy "Turning 49" to me!


And, most important, here's to you having everything you need to create Business Miracles for yourself as an HSE …


XO. Heather


P.S. Sdfsdf, I'm so grateful for our connection and it is super fun for me to share my birthday energy with you :)















EnergyRICH(R) Coaching, Inc
954 Lexington Avenue, #248
New York, New York 10021
United States
(888) 417-0283

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