Wednesday, April 22, 2020

[Podcast] Access Creative Solutions in uncertain times

Sdfsdf, during these Exceptional Times I'm happy to share the inspiration of the latest A Course In Business Miracles Podcast with you, Episode 81: Creative Solutions


In times of confusion and uncertainty, the mind loves to react to problems. The mind loves to ruminate, to toss, to turn, to churn on any and every possible thought and then spitting it out as - A PROBLEM.


This can wreak havoc within the nervous system, particularly the highly sensitive nervous system. Listen in to call on a Source that is greater and bigger than each of us for help, for direction, for creative solutions.



You'll also find an abundance of A Course In Business Miracles podcast episodes that I know will inspire you, especially during these Exceptional Times, for free on my Podcast Channel, too.

Here are some of the exciting episode topics you'll find waiting for you:
  • Making Miracles
  • Path of Transformation
  • Shadow Signals


And every other week a new episode will be released that I sense you'll find helpful and inspiring, Sdfsdf, since you're an HSE like me. :) 


Just click here to join me and listen to more episodes.





XO. Heather


P.S. Oh, please remember to subscribe to my podcast and leave a review. :)


P.P.S. Don't have iTunes, not a problem! You can listen to the A Course In Business Miracles Podcast on the following platforms:


Google Play Music

Stitcher Radio

TuneIN Radio











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