Friday, April 10, 2020

super vulnerable video will make you smile

Sdfsdf, when the world turned upside down I immediately moved into inspired action to provide the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur Members of my Business Miracles Community with extra support to match what's needed to navigate these Exceptional Times in the form of a Roundtable Series.


We connect via video as an entire Community of HSEs 1-2 times per week for a masterclass and mentoring led by me. So far, we've covered:


  • How to Work from Home While Everyone Else Is Also Home
  • How to Adapt Your Transition Plan for These Exceptional Times
  • How to Value Your Services and Ability to Provide Support (Without Burning Out)
  • Pivot Your 30-Day Plan: How to Be Fluid and Flexible with Planning While Also Being Productive
  • Internet Marketing with Integrity - Part 1


It's been awesome to see this support moved into immediate implementation and how HSEs are thriving rather than shriveling up and dying during this time of intensity.


And then our Operations Manager, Lynda, got the next-level inspired idea to add a dance break at the end of each Roundtable Session and Oh. My. GOSH!! It was EXACTLY what was needed and so much FUN to move and express in COMMUNITY.


My heart just burst seeing every HSE shaking their thing in each of their little screens (and pets joined in, too)!


Lynda's genius also caught my dance moves and turned them into this video that (even though it's super vulnerable for me) I wanted to share with you because I think it will make you smile and I invite you to shake your thing, too. :)



Exceptional people are called to RISE UP during exceptional times.


We will get through this - and come out even stronger - together.


In Faith,

XO. Heather


P.S. I also immediately added the support of real-time 10-minute daily activations - and I invite you to join in. I've received such valuable feedback how just these 10 minutes each day are bringing HSEs to higher-levels of creation and accomplishment during these Exceptional Times than ever before. I'm committed to hosting these activations until 4/17/20 - and most likely I'll go even longer. They are free. Here's how to access:


When: Monday - Friday: 9am - 9:10am, EASTERN

Where: Conference Line: (425) 440-5010, pin: 462725#


We also have the option for you to join online, the link is updated daily in our Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs Facebook Group. You can request to join here to access the updated link each day.














EnergyRICH(R) Coaching, Inc
954 Lexington Avenue, #248
New York, New York 10021
United States
(888) 417-0283

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