Wednesday, April 29, 2020

thrive skills that are needed now


Sdfsdf, as a highly sensitive the honing of the super-powers you possess such as intuition, and deep thinking, and deep feeling is more important now than ever.




To cultivate your ability to access creative solutions.


This is a necessary skill on any regular 'ol day as an entrepreneur, but it's now an absolute must within these times of intensity.


To learn how to hone your Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur (HSE) Strength of Creativity, to be able to find your voice and to be able to use your voice in your marketing, in your serving, in your selling are skills and muscles that are more necessary now and will always be of value to you in both your business and your life.


This process is not as shiny as the "quick-fix-take-this-class-answer", but will absolutely always be there to serve you in all parts of your life for the rest of your life.


Before this global pandemic, I made a commitment that my work and service to HSEs was not about adding to the information overload of the 21st Century, but instead, to very diligently cultivate and curate not only teachings, but programming designed to create true transformation. Within that true transformation is teaching HSEs how to rely on yourself.


To trust the use of your own HSE Strengths.


This is still my commitment.


And this is why HSEs in the Business Miracles Community are thriving IN SPITE OF and in the midst of these Exceptional Times. Here are just a few:


"Even during pandemics and isolation we can still have Celebrations. And Miracles are happening every day. I offered a free 4-week Zoom series of energy healing and got an amazing 19 participants. The feedback was wonderful. I asked each person for one word of how they were feeling after the session and received: peaceful, calm, centered, grounded, happy, energized, uplifted. It lifts and expands my heart to be able to be in service to others during this Unique Time.


As difficult and scary as this worldwide situation is, I am feeling called to my work and so much in my strengths and able to step up with inspired ideas. Also feeling grateful that immediately following the Fall 2019 Retreat I created a separate work space in my home, and the majority of my work had been moved to video last year. Thank you Business Miracles Team for all that you do!"

~Melissa Pickell, HSE Nutrition Counselor


"It's April 10, 2020 and as of today I have one speaking opportunity booked for the local Women's Enterprise Online Webinar on April 23, I have two HSE Selling Conversations setup for next week, I am collaborating to do a Facebook live discussion with another entrepreneur next week where I will talk about my Business Success Roadmap Toolkit."

~Fidelma Greene, HSE Consultant and Coach


"1. I got a lead for a part time job I can easily do from home at $18 per hour, and even though they said all the slots were filled I got the name of the head person and contacted her and someone else. Take no prisoners!


2. I've gone ahead and applied for SBA, unemployment benefits, and I spoke to my banker today about PPP. I will be filling that out tonight.


3. I have a confirmed virtual speaking engagement with an organization in Alabama in May that is going to PAY ME.


4. I received an email from a woman who was on one of my engagements last week who wants to know more about my work so she can refer clients to me. We have a call booked for next week.


5. From that same speaking engagement I got 3 requests for HSE Selling Conversations and 1 is booked. The other 2 may not get booked but that is OK.


6. I reached out for a virtual engagement yesterday that had its speakers booked but I decided to see what they may have. I was told they have one slot open for their My Virtual so I filled out the app right away.


7. Hunny and I took a nap today and I didn't feel guilty about it." ~Jen Shultz, HSE Business Coach


I began a tuition discount last month (which now feels like years ago) to celebrate my birthday and extended it until May 1st, 2020.


If you know you're meant to learn how to hone your super-powers and to thrive and lead as a highly sensitive through these times then I invite you step forward, receive this special discount and join us before end of day May 1, 2020.


Exceptional people are called to RISE UP during exceptional times and we will get through this – together.


In Faith,

XO. Heather 















EnergyRICH(R) Coaching, Inc
954 Lexington Avenue, #248
New York, New York 10021
United States
(888) 417-0283

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