Wednesday, May 6, 2020

[Podcast] HSE Feature – Dog Trainer, Teri Thomas

Sdfsdf, during these Exceptional Times I'm happy to share the inspiration of the latest A Course In Business Miracles Podcast with you: Episode 82: HSE Feature with Dog Trainer, Teri Thomas.


This episode was recorded before the onslaught of the global pandemic, but I am glad to be able to report that much of what you will hear in this episode is still in motion for Teri.
Once Teri broke through a core limiting belief the floodgates opened and in one year she crossed the 6-figure mark and all of this has given her something to be able to rely on IN SPITE OF these uncertain times, including creating a 3-week online puppy class to support her clients! How innovative is that? :)


Just click here, Sdfsdf, to join me and listen in.


You'll also find an abundance of A Course In Business Miracles podcast episodes that I know will inspire you, especially during these Exceptional Times, for free on my Podcast Channel, too.

Here are some of the exciting episode topics you'll find waiting for you:
  • Creative Solutions
  • Making Miracles
  • Path of Transformation


And every other week a new episode will be released that I sense you'll find helpful and inspiring, Sdfsdf, since you're an HSE like me. :) 


Just click here to join me and listen to more episodes.





XO. Heather


P.S. Oh, please remember to subscribe to my podcast and leave a review. :)


P.P.S. Don't have iTunes, not a problem! You can listen to the A Course In Business Miracles Podcast on the following platforms:


Google Play Music

Stitcher Radio

TuneIN Radio











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