Dearest, Sdfsdf,
This global pandemic is affecting all of us in so many ways. Of course.
It's thrown everything we've built up around ourselves into question and I by no means pretend to either have fully grasped this situation nor to have any or all of the answers.
But, what I do have is my personal experience of consciously navigating my business and the world as a highly sensitive for the last decade. So, it's from this place that I want to continue to share with you as we travel through these next historical weeks together.
In addition to the pain of living in NYC, now just a hallow shell of its glory and also the epicenter of COVID-19, I've also been separated from my Sweetheart Husband, Stephen, for the last week. Which looks like will now be for at least the next 6-7 weeks as well since he's considered a first responder serving the vulnerable people in this city we've both come to love so much.
It's gut wrenching.
I'm alone in my apartment. His closet is bare. His toiletries have gone missing. Our bed suddenly feels very, very big.
As with so many others right now, we stay in touch by text, phone, video chat when we can and two times a week we allow ourselves to meet up in full gear of face masks and plastic gloves to take a walk in Central Park - 6 feet apart.
And my business continues to move forward.
How? Why? What?!?
Because of all the ways I've unknowingly been training for this moment for the last 10 years.
I turn to the tools I've created, use, and teach to keep my highly sensitive nervous system calm and focused. I access my HSE Strengths of Intuition and Being Spiritual By Nature that I've honed to keep me tuned in and dialed-up so I may be grounded and guided as I navigate this Exceptional Time of uncertainty.
And my deep, deep desire and commitment to serve my fellow HSEs in the Business Miracles Community drives me forward.
Because if there is one thing I know for certain in these uncertain times is that our HSE Strengths are needed in the world more than ever right now.
This is not the time to hide. This is not the time to shrink back.
Yes, room for sadness, loss, grief and anger. Yes, room for self-care and attention. But, no, to a full stop.
Absolutely not.
There's too much at stake for humanity right now. As HSEs, we are needed.
Exceptional people are called to RISE UP during exceptional times.
We will get through this - together.
In Faith,
XO. Heather
P.S. If you have not yet participated in the real-time 10 minute daily activations I've been hosting for almost 2 weeks now I invite you to join in. I've received such valuable feedback how just these 10 minutes each day are bringing HSEs to higher-levels of creation and accomplishment during these Exceptional Times than ever before. I'm committed to hosting these activations until 4/17/20 - longer, if needed. They are free. Here's how to access:
When: Monday - Friday: 9am - 9:10am, EASTERN
Where: Conference Line: (425) 440-5010, pin: 462725#
We also have the option for you to join online, the link is updated daily in our Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs Facebook Group. You can request to join here to access the updated link each day.
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