Saturday, April 4, 2020

Is this the answer??

Hello, Sdfsdf - understandably, there are so many questions cycling through the collective psyche right now:


Why is this happening?

When will this be over?

Will we be ok?


As Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs not only are we feeling our own uncertainty we, most likely, are picking up on and feeling EVERYONE'S uncertainty.


Yet, now is not the time to shrink back and over-protect from this potential onslaught of emotional overwhelm.


And now is also not the time to be watching/downloading/listening to every free video, e-book or teleclass being offered on the internet.


This is you adding to your overwhelm.

This is you looking outside for your answers.


For us HSEs more information wasn't the answer before this global pandemic and it's NOT the answer to or through this global pandemic.


For this exact reason, almost a decade ago, I committed to cultivating and curating programs designed to create true transformation for HSEs.


True transformation is the process of learning to rely on yourself and to trust in the use of your HSE Strengths - Intuition, Deep Thinking, Deep Feeling and that it is these innate abilities that will support you in accessing the creative solutions on a regular, daily basis and especially during times of intensity.


This is what I teach.


And because of this members of the Business Miracles Community are creating miracles IN SPITE OF a global pandemic such as Kara, a member of my Elite Mentoring Program, who before this pandemic owned a local pub in Canada and within 24 hours of receiving mentoring and coaching from me followed through on a divine inspired idea she received to pivot her business, released fear of her team being upset by her moving too fast, was interviewed by a local reporter inspired by her vision, fulfilled 3 orders for the new farm food service she developed and implemented, and received a batch of chicks that will be her future egg layers/food providers for this new service she is passionately birthing!




Now IS the time to move into inspired action from the place of your HSE Strengths.


This is what I teach.


You will not get it from a free video.

You will not get it from an e-book.

You will not get it from a no-cost coaching club.


You WILL get it from a dedicated mentor, Coach Team, consciously curated curriculum and Community of fellow HSEs who are moving into inspired action right along with you.


The world is literally crying out asking for you to answer the calling you've been given.


Click here to speak to a coach about the steps you need to take to answer your calling. You can just let us know what time works best for you.


Exceptional people are called to RISE UP during exceptional times.


We will get through this - together.


In Faith,

XO. Heather














EnergyRICH(R) Coaching, Inc
954 Lexington Avenue, #248
New York, New York 10021
United States
(888) 417-0283

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